Yang_Xinguang_Bad Soil_2018_at_BEIJING_COMMUNE_杨心广_坏土_北京公社_1

Yang Xinguang

Born in 1980 Ningxiang Hunan, lives in Beijing
Graduated in BA Sculpture 2007
From Central Academy of Fine Arts, Beijing
Exhibition ‘Bad Soil’, Beijing Commune, 2018
Courtesy of Beijing Commune


1980年生于湖南宁乡, 现居住于北京
展览«坏土», 北京公社, 2018

Bad Soil

This 7.4 by 9.1 meters installation is occupying the polished gallery floor, it is like an inundation, invading the gleaming and spotless white cube. Even though the soil is restricted by the artificial industrial material steel, it is still striving to spread its territories: centimetre by centimetre, with its sharp angular edges. This soil is looking for to affront human society, to show what human has done. Is it the same soil that gives us food and feeds us? Is it our responsibility that the soil turns bad? Now in this agro-industrial era, with an increasing massive abuse of fertilizers, pesticides in the fields, and incessant building constructions everywhere; we have turned this soil into a mutant. 

Yang Xinguang gives this silent and receptive soil a way to rebel and put us in the situation face-to-face with the soil, no steps backwards, no space to escape, we have to admit our destructive behaviours. 

Often using organic and industrial materials, such as wood, earth, stone, sand, and iron, steel, aluminium, Yang Xinguang is exploring the symbiotic relationship of nature and human society, how to coexist.