

Founded in 2011 in Guangzhou Guangdong
Founder Xu Guang, Chen Xingyu, Peng Zeng, Chen Xingguang 
Yue pendant lamps designers Sing Chan, Zhou Yinkun
Photo by Cao Haochang, Liu Tianwen
Courtesy BENTU


创始人许刚, 陈星宇, 彭增, 陈星光


China is far away from an environmentally-friendly country. Ecology is not yet the concern of common people. Even though pollution affects daily life and health. Whereas, there exist some people who are making efforts and trying to make changes. 

BENTU is an experimental design studio, created in 2011 in Guangzhou (Canton). Their design philosophy is to be responsible to the environment and the society. The main aim is not commercial, but to make something good to the world, by creating a sincere and honest design. 

In the 80′, with the ‘Reform and Opening-up’ policy, China was experiencing an economic boom. The construction took place in both urban and rural areas. Concrete was used as a basic construction material. Nowadays, construction and demolition waste accounts for 30% to 40% of the total waste in China. 

These BENTU’s pendant lamps are named Yue (), which means the moon. The principle materials are concrete and recycled construction waste. Due to the characteristics of concrete, the air bubbles entered into the concrete during the process of fabrication. This created the holes in the lamps’ surface, which looks like the lunar craters – covered by numerous circular holes.

The concrete is a humble material. Its grey colour is calm and neutral. A sphere is a basic form. The Yue lamps are muted, sober and silent. 

BENTO ONE is the showroom and the online shop. Here is the link to the Yue lamps.