
Mario Tsai Studio

Founded in 2014 Hangzhou Zhejiang
Graduated in Furniture Design 2011
From Beijing Forestry University
Photo by Mario Tsai
Courtesy Mario Tsai Studio



Press tables

Designer Mario Tsai created the Press Tables. The tables exist in two versions. The first version is made of plywood. Then two years later in 2018, the second version of stainless steel was born.

Both plywood and stainless steel are flexible, so it’s easy to bend and fix together. But the triangle structure of the base gives stable support.

The disassembled parts of Press Tables are transported in a flat package. So the clients need to build the tables by themselves, using screw fittings, to fulfil the DIY procedure. 

Pure materials, simple forms and clean lines: every element plays a role, there is no waste. Not only in the table itself but also in the packaging, the transportation and the process of assemblage. 

Mario Tsai was born in the countryside of Hubei province, in Central China, growing up in the surroundings of nature: plain, rivers and fields. He then went to Beijing Forestry University to study Furniture Design. After the graduation in 2011, he settled down in the city of Hangzhou and founded his studio there in 2014. Maybe this childhood in nature and the humid climate in Hangzhou inspired him and gave this warm and peaceful sensation in his design, which combines ecology and humanism. 

Mario Tsai Studio adheres to the design principles of restraint in the design process, and achieves a soft minimalist state with fewer materials and processes. This is the sustainable design method Mario Tsai has been insisting on.